Thursday, December 27, 2007
Good Times!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Merry Christmas!!

Sorry for the slight lag in between posts. I finally finished all my Christmas shopping and have wrapped all the gifts. I even got all of my cards in the mail. So now I'm able to just enjoy my vacation with my family. Aaaaahhhh! That is my sigh or relief, in case that wasn't apparent.
May everyone's holiday be happy, filled with warm memories, tasty food, and may the next year bring you joy.... or for my single girls out there, loads of BOYS!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Getting rid of the Winter Blues
About a week ago we went to our first class. It was called BLAH, for Butt, Legs, Abs and Hips. I said that it really stood for how you would feel after the class.... which was very accurate. The trainer was intent on making us hurt, which is good for getting me in shape but sucks while you are working out. The last thing you want to hear the instructor say after the first set of an exercise is "you guys don't seem to be in pain, let's do more reps of that one!" YUCK! BLAH!
So here is my super embarrassing moment from the first BLAH class. It was an aerobic class and we used a mat, a weighted bar and a step. Within the first ten minutes of class we were doing some exercises on the step. I guess my legs weren't used to all the stepping or something. Halfway through the one step exercise I totally fell. I didn't just stumble or catch myself before falling. I completely fell on my butt! There were only seven people in the class and everyone was facing my direction, so everyone saw me. It was retarded! I just got up, finished the class, and tried not to feel too stupid. It isn't like I haven't fallen before in public, so I guess I should be used to it. Oh well! I made some friends right away since we all had a laugh about that.
Now I'm working out on a regular basis (it has only been a week or so) and I think I've gotten out of the funk. And hopefully getting into shape.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Any good stories?
But first, let me tell you what my friend said happened to her. She went out with a guy last year or something during the summer. He had been in the Peace Corp in Romania, near Transylvania. They met up for a drink, she wore shorts and he wore long sleeves and pants. She said he was rather pasty, which isn’t bad just part of the story. When they got inside of the bar, he asked if they could go downstairs to the basement (where it was dark). While they chit chatted over drinks, he asked her what her favorite musical instrument was. She said she was sort of thrown by that question but answered it and then returned the question. To which he answered, the pipe organ! He said that he really started to like it while he was in the Peace Corp! She said the thing that really clinched it for her was that when he smiled she noticed that he had very pronounced and sharp canine teeth. Ha Ha! I asked her if during the date she felt the need to pull out a mirror or get some garlic or something.
I have not had any dates with vampires, but I have had some pretty bad dates. When I was a few years younger and believed I was going through a dry spell in my dating life. (Little did I know it only got worse) I met up with a guy from the internet. After this experience, I learned the lesson of talking to the person online for more then two emails and getting more pictures. But I was young and naïve. I told this guy, lets call him Fry (since his name was almost as bad), to meet me in a public place, I at least knew enough there. When he walked up to me I was a bit disappointed, but I felt bad for having those thoughts and told myself not to be so shallow, he is probably nice. So we headed off to the Natural History Museum. We walked around a bit and the conversation was mostly on his end. I don’t really remember everything he said at the time (it was a while ago). I do remember how I felt, which was BORED! After walking around for a bit, he had to go to the bathroom. So I was left in the middle of the museum lobby, by the elephant and wishing I had stayed home to do my laundry. I kept checking my watch and it seemed, at the time, like he had been in there forever. I started to think about how I could escape, just walk right past that elephant and out the door. It was that easy, just leave. You don’t owe this guy anything, he was boring. Just leave… The next thing I knew I was running past all the school children, practically pushing them out of my way like George Costanza and I was out the doors.
It was at that point that I thought what a bad decision that was. How once that poor guy gets out of the bathroom he is going to wonder what on earth happened to his date. How it might scare him away from dating anyone for a little while. But after I was outside, the smell of freedom was intoxicating. Plus, it would have really sucked to have had to explain to Fry why I was walking through the entrance again. So I went home, feeling slightly bad but only for a bit. By the time I made it home and explained why my date was over to my parents. The phone rang. It was Fry. My mom made me talk to him (something about feeling bad for the underdog). I apologized and tried to make the situation sound reasonable. His response was what really erased all regret from my mind. He scolded me! O.K. I know I had just run out on the guy, but I was young, internet dating was very new, potentially dangerous and my apology (I thought) was very well grounded. After he scolded me and tried to make me feel guilty enough to go out with him again or something. I pretty much told him “I don’t know you, I don’t owe you anything and you can’t scold me you aren’t my mother. Bye!”
Now that everyone thinks I’m a cold hearted devil…. No seriously, I do feel bad about how I handled that situation, but I can’t change that now and it only makes for a funny story ten years (or more) later. Please tell me any funny/bad dating stories you might have. They don’t even have to be from DC. I know people have them and we can all bond over our experiences.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Looking back
Looking back on my vacation I realize that I not only had a great time, but I still have a lot of things I need to see in Cape Town. I did not climb up Table Mountain, didn't go to Robbin Island, didn't go to a Township, didn't drive down the Garden Route or go to a big reserve for a better safari experience. So I guess I now have some things on my list for my next visit.
I did, however, get from my vacation in Cape Town loads of memories, new friends and time with an old friend. Which, to me, is better than any walk up a mountain or a prison (no offense, Mr. Mandela). I feel truly blessed to have friends who are willing to take me into their homes and lives for two weeks, feed me, drive me around, and give me a trip I will never forget.
Thanks Sara and Mattias!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Just in case no one believed me....
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Last Day - Cape Town
Friday night we started off the evening with a picnic on the beach in Camps Bay. Some of Sara and Mattias' friends and a bunch of other people got together to enjoy the sunset... only problem was it was too cloudy to see the sun. But we had a good time with food, wine, volleyball and fireworks. The fireworks were someone else's but it seemed to be perfectly planned.
We then headed into town for dinner, I wasn't really hungry at this point but we had plans. We went to a place called Hayko or something like that. It was a very nice Japanese tapas place, I know that sounds silly but that is how it was explained to me. After dinner we went for drinks at Bang Bang and then a few other places. Since it was my last night in Cape Town and another friend of the group's first night we really celebrated. I felt like I had truly one of the best vacations ever and everyone was so nice to me... not just my friends.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Day Eleven - Cape Town
We had dinner at a cute little place on the beach which had excellent seafood. The restaurant was in a fishing village with all white houses. It was a nice day to just relax and enjoy the weather. Except now I'm wishing I had used more sun block.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Day Ten - Cape Town
I was picked up at about 4:45 am from the house and arrived at the Aquilla Game Reserve at about 7:45. We were greeted with a "wake up drink" of sparkling white wine, registered and then had breakfast. I met a really nice girl from New Zealand who was on holiday by her self and on the bus with me. We hung out all day together which was nice cause I can handle being alone, but having someone else to talk to is much better. At about 9 o'clock we loaded up in the Land Rovers and started the adventure. We saw buffalo, springboks, zebras, giraffes, elephants, hippo, rhinos, and lions. The game reserve is trying to establish it's animal population, so there weren't loads of some animals. But I didn't care. I was just so happy to have the chance to see everything in a semi-wild environment. Half way through the safari we had a little break to stretch our legs and to have a glass of champagne. It was hilarious standing around next to the zebras and girraffe, sipping champagne and feeling like I was so far removed from my "normal" life.
After the safari we got the chance to pet more cheetahs, so I definitely did that again. I mean, how many times will I get to do that in DC?
We then were fed lunch at the lodge and I ran into the Scottish guys. So we all had lunch together and hung out a bit before we daytrippers had to get back on the bus to go home. When I got home we had a group of kids come to the house for Halloween. There were about 15 of they and they were so cute.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Day Nine - Cape Town
Then we went to lunch at a cute wrap and smoothie place called Buzz. After we went home and cleaned up we went to the Waterfront and walked around. We ended up having a beer and hanging out with two South African guys. It seems like the people here are super friendly.
We then went to a Gladys Knight concert, I know who goes to those!? But Sara's friend got free tickets, so we decided to make it a girls night. The concert was held at the Grand West Casino, I felt like I had stepped into Las Vegas. I was surprised at how fun it was. The dinner we had wasn't so great, but the concert part of the evening was hilarious. Gladys rocked out and she even had her brother, one of the original Pips, come to pump up the crowd. I definitely would never have gone to that concert back in the States, but I was glad that we went.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Day Eight - Cape Town
After lunch Sara and I did some shopping and ran some errands. We were sort of tired from our weekend so we didn't do much else. But she did take me to the studio of her friend who makes jewelry, Phillippa Green. I bought so many bracelets! Check her site out, she makes really great stuff.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Day Seven - Cape Town
Sunday evening Sara, Mattias and I went out to dinner in Camps Bay (where they live) and ate outside with a view of the beach. They live in an area that is like South Beach but with a calmer and more relaxed atmosphere. I'm really enjoying Cape Town, it is SO beautiful.
After dinner, Mattias ran into an old colleague from Scotland. So we had a drink with three Scottish guys. I enjoyed the accents!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Day Six - Cape Town
Saturday we tried to recover as best as we could in the morning. We went to a farmer's market in Woodstock which had great food and a few crafts. There was a girl at the market who made beautiful purses, I couldn't afford one that day but I think I'm going to order one when I get home.
Saturday night everyone got together to go to some old brewery turned into a night club for a party. Apparently, South Africans are into themed parties. The one we went to was called "Dirty Dirty" and was a post-Apocalyptic theme. It was very interesting to see people's interpretation of that. One guy was wearing a knit cap, stripped tight tank top, 70s style running shorts and bedroom slippers. Clubs in other countries are fun!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Day Four and Five - Cape Town
Today I survived Shark Cage Diving!! Sara and I went out to Kleinbaai and swam with the fishes... or rather sharks. I got a bit sea sick, but I didn't let that stop me from getting into the cage and watching the sharks. The water was a bit murky, so I don't think my underwater pictures look so great. But I did take a lot more pictures from the boat and I think those came out ok. I thought that I would be scared, but I actually wasn't. The sharks weren't like in Jaws or anything. They were very graceful and seemed to not even care that we were around. Except for the fact that the crew kept throwing fish parts into the water.
We had heard that the cage diving thing was a bit controversal and that surfers thought it would have sharks associate food with people. But one of the crew, who was a surfer, said that it was actually a good way for people to understand that sharks aren't super aggresive and they are nomadic, so wouldn't be in the same place for long enough to have the food/people association. Which made me feel better, so I could cage dive with my conscience free.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Day Three Cont. - Cape Town
We also went to more vineyards. These ones were even more beautiful then the ones the day before. The annoying thing was that my camera battery died half way through. Stupid camera! But I at least got pictures with the cheetahs.
Heather is in trouble!!
Day Three - Cape Town
While we were having our wine from the tasting we sat outside on a picnic bench. Across the way was a tour group from China having a really good time (I think the wine effected them a bit). They started to video tape us, then one of the ladies from the group came over to say hello and pose with us for a picture. It was funny and strange. Now when those people go home to show people their videos, their friends are going to wonder who the random white people are with the wine.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Day Two - Cape Town
This morning we took the dog for a walk on the beach and then we stopped by the travel agency to book my tours, i.e. shark diving! We are getting ready for lunch now, and then I think we will head into town. Yesterday was rainy and today isn't too sunny either, but the weather is supposed to get better tomorrow.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Day One - Cape Town
My first whole day, we went to Cape Point to see where the two oceans meet. We saw whales, penguins, a baboon, an ostrich and some of those half zebra half donkey things. We went out to lunch at a really nice place by the water and had fabulous seafood.
I have a few pictures already, but I can't figure out yet how to upload pictures from my friend's laptop. But hopefully I will figure that out soon. I love it here!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Gosh, if I don't start writing about South Africa this blog is not going to get anymore exciting. For the few people who read this, I will try my best to keep posting while I'm gone so that everyone can enjoy my trip.
Bon Voyage (to me)!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Need to Pack!
So to talk about something other than my impending trip, I want to know what your (anyone who reads this) trip of a lifetime has been. If you have never had a trip that maybe qualifies to be in that category, then what is your dream trip?
Friday, October 12, 2007
One Week Away!
I bought some cute clothes tonight, cause I need to look good, especially on a trip of a lifetime! I've made several lists to remind me of things, like things to pack, things to do before I leave, things I need to buy... I'm sort of a nerd that way. Some people like to pack days ahead of time and then they feel like they are prepared for a trip. I make lists and pack in my head, then I pack the day before and usually add a few things. No matter how many times I have traveled, I always seem to over pack! This time though I'm really going to try and pack light. That may be impossible, but I'm really going to try. My girlfriend said it is pretty casual there, even for going out. So I shouldn't need too many clothes options. The problem is that I have so many clothes I like and that I want to take. They want to see Africa too!
Monday, October 8, 2007
Counting Down
October 19th is the day and now I'm getting all the advice from people. "Don't forget insect repellent, you don't want Malaria," "There are a lot of crimes and murder, be careful," "Don't have unprotected sex, HIV is running rampant there," or "Don't drink the water or eat the food!"
OK, I get it. Going to Africa is not the normal travel destination. But I have done some research people and I do plan on being careful...however, I will probably eat the food. I'm probably choosing the safest route to Africa, by going to South Africa, staying with a friend and following her where ever she says we should go.
I live in DC people, a lot of crime and murder happens here too, apparently. I just stay away from places.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Travel Plans
Get ready Cape Town, cause here I come!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Another Weird News Story
KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysian doctors have reattached a man's nearly severed penis after his first wife, enraged by his comparison of her sex skills with those of his younger second wife, decided to chop it off with a kitchen knife.
The man, a 43-year-old Indonesian worker in southern Johor state, was lying in bed with his 48-year-old wife talking about his newly wed second wife, who is in her 30s, when the incident happened, the New Straits Times newspaper reported.
Despite his shock and pain, the man managed to pull on his trousers and ride his motorcycle to a nearby hospital, where doctors had to put in 11 stitches to reattach the organ.
The man later complained to police, who arrested the woman and plan to charge her with voluntarily causing grievous hurt with a dangerous weapon, which carries the penalty of a three-year jail term and a fine, the newspaper reported.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
One More Thing
Am I the only one who seems to be having this problem?
Friday Night
Dating in DC is an interesting experience. My friends and I have noticed that there seem to be a LOT of gay guys in the DC Metropolitan Area. Also, if the guys aren't gay they are very metro and might make you question their gayness or straightness. I have no problems with the gay boys, but I'm a single girl and I would like some dates too, please!
I don't really ask for much (I don't think) in my romantic endeavors, but I do have some guidelines. I would like to find a straight (likes girls), funny (actually makes me laugh, not just himself), straight (has less hair products than me), nice (non-jerk, non-self absorbed, non-a*hole), straight (doesn't shop at stores I can't afford like Burberry), good looking (not people say I might be sort of someone you possibly could think of as slightly cute), and possibly interested in dating me (not just kiss me and then never call). Actually the last one is only half true. I would like a guy just to be interested and don't really need him to call, unless it is to make out again. I think I could really enjoy a "relationship" where we are just friends who occasionally kiss. Because I like kissing and I don't get to enjoy that as much as I would like to. I don't really need all the relationship stuff that goes with the kissing, just kissing (good kissing). Is that wrong? Am I the only one who feels that way?
Wow, you would think after that description I've dated a lot of guys to later discover they preferred the company of boys. But I haven't, I've just dated way too many metro-type guys.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
It's a Rich Man's World?
Recently, I was offered a job which paid a bit more (ok a lot more) than my current employment. The only problem was that the actual job wasn’t really what I was looking for and didn’t seem like something I wanted to do anymore. So I turned them down.
Don’t get me wrong, it is really nice to be offered a big bunch of money. I could do a lot of things with that money…. Pay off debts, go on vacation, buy new shoes, fill up a big vault and go swimming in my money on the weekends…. It wouldn’t be bad.
But money isn’t everything. What about looking to have a career that you feel is fulfilling and worthwhile? What about my dreams and happiness?
Is it too much to ask for someone to pay me to do something I truly enjoy doing?
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Relationship Season?
Throughout my dating life and the relationships of my friends I have noticed the trend of guys breaking up in the spring and usually getting "relationship fever" in the fall. Maybe it is the promise of summer, hot weather and half naked girls on the beach that have guys wanting to be single. Maybe it is the threat of cold winter weather that makes them want to find someone to snuggle with. Maybe I'm completely off. It just seems like it happens way too often in too many relationships and to too many of my friends, for there to not be reason for it.
So I guess now that fall is coming, everybody gets a boy!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
IOUS (Insect Of Unusual Size)
It was around #5 on my list of things I do in the morning that things went horribly wrong. I got into the shower and nearly had a heartattack! Now my apartment isn't in the ghetto, but it is also not in a building that anyone might call upscale or luxury living. I have seen a few bugs in the past six years since I moved into the building, but nothing quite prepared me for what I saw this morning.
In my shower, above the shower head, was a cock roach the size of a small animal! It seriously was bigger than any cock roach I have ever seen, even in the zoos. I should have probably found a jar and tried to make some money off the gross thing, but instead I screamed super loud and ran out of the shower. I then desperately searched for a shoe or something I could use as a weapon against my insect enemy. When I re-entered the bathroom, the beast was starting to move and I was so worried that it might fly towards me, land on my face and start trying to crawl into my brain! I think that was what it wanted to do, but I stopped him with my flip flop. I whacked him so hard that he fell to the floor and left a grotty bug gut mark on my wall that I then had to clean up.
But the day was saved and the cock roach is dead! And all I have to say is that if his family comes to my apartment tonight looking for him, they better leave my brain alone!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Confession #1
Sunday, August 26, 2007
End of Summer Blues
I think savoring the last days of summer is a worthy excuse for doing nothing. So to help everyone else out here is a mix from my DJ friends, the texturedjs. Grab a cold beverage, head out to your porch/balcony/or somewhere outside, maybe even grab an attractive person to join you in some smoochin' and enjoy the summer!
p.s. if that link doesn't work, just go to their blog from my list.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Pure Yoga
Also, not to sound like a completely shallow retard, but I have been to a yoga class before and I didn't feel as compelled to continue my yoga experience because the place didn't really give me the right vibe. It was a class set in a warehouse type building and felt more industrial and cold then warm and zen like. But the class Anne took me to last night was much more of what (I'm about to say something stupid) I pictured a yoga place to look like, based on my knowledge of yoga through movies and TV shows. There was a statue of a Buddha type elephant thingy, lots of plants, gauzy curtains and candles. So being apparently very superficial, I plan on going there again and trying to become better at my warrior pose.
Ok, completely off the subject. This morning I was walking to work and about to cross an intersection, when I noticed a crazy woman talking or rather arguing to herself. For some reason this particular intersection beings out weird things because about a month ago I was walking home and walked past a shoe at the same intersection. The weird part about the shoe was that it was a black leather high heeled Manolo Blanik pump which appeared to have just been walked out of. When I passed the shoe I tried to look around to see if I could find the one shoes person who apparently hadn't noticed they were missing a shoe... and not just a shoe but a Manolo! Anyways, back to this morning. So I'm watching the woman who is very upset with her imaginary friend and keeping my eye on her as I pass her on the street, since I was a little worried she might mistake me for her friend. As I reach the opposite curb there is a middle aged man wearing khakis and a blue polo who must have caught his toe or something on the sidewalk because all of a sudden he yells "FFFFFUUU******!" It was super load and after the initial shock of hearing someone drop the F Bomb at 8:00 am extremely loud, really funny. The best part was the lady who was walking in between myself and Mr. F started laughing.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Boys and Ice Cream
Hillary and I both decided that they were nuts, because we are both far from desperate. I’m perfectly fine with my life and doing my own thing and not dating anyone…. It would be nice, but I don’t NEED it. Which leads me to my new theory on boys, it is really an old theory but with a new analogy.
Boys are like ice cream cones…. I like ice cream, I think ice cream cones are great, I usually enjoy any ice cream cone I have, but I don’t NEED them. I can survive just fine without ever having another ice cream cone again, maybe I wouldn’t have the fun that eating ice cream brings me, but I would be fine. Also, ice cream cones aren’t really good for you (at least not if you are watching your figure), but they sure are tasty!
So to sum up, I enjoy ice cream and I enjoy boys. I probably won’t stop eating ice cream cones anytime soon, just like I probably won’t stop dating boys (especially the “tasty” ones) anytime soon. I know that some boys are just tasty treats that I might regret shortly after being with one, but it doesn’t mean that I probably wouldn’t enjoy a snack. So I’m probably not going to stop sampling the flavors! That doesn’t mean that I don’t have my favorites, the flavor I go to that will always make me happy (for me it is Chocolate Chip Mint). And for boys, I hope that one day I have that one guy “my favorite.” But for the mean time, I’m still looking and now I’m really hungry for an ice cream cone.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Monday, August 6, 2007
Sawatdee Kaa Kitty!

Thai police plan to shame renegade officers by making them wear pink "Hello Kitty" armbands. "
(Hello) Kitty is a cute icon for young girls. It's not something macho police officers want covering their biceps," Col. Pongpat Chayaphan tells the Associated Press. He says anyone who litters, arrives late or parks illegally will be subject to the unorthodox punishment.
"Simple warnings no longer work. This new twist is expected to make them feel guilt and shame and prevent them from repeating the offense, no matter how minor," Pongpat says.
If the "Hello Kitty" treatment doesn't work, the Bangkok Recorder says repeat offenders will go before a special panel that can impose additional punishments.
I can only imagine what additional punishments an officer can look forward to after the dreaded "Hello Kitty Armband Punishment." Possibly wearing a t-shirt that reads, "I [heart] David Hasselhoff!"
Friday, August 3, 2007
Grade School Mentality
I like boys, despite my previous statement. I even hope to some day find a boy and get married and maybe even have a family with that boy. But the last few weeks have really not helped the male cause, assuming that the male cause is to at some point find girls that want to be with them. My friend met a boy a few months ago in another state, despite the distance and possible complications from this boy's baggage, she decided to go out with him and they had a good time. Fast forward a month or so and this boy decides to come to town to visit my friend, things go well and all seems fairly good. Now the boy is back home, which apparently my friend is not sad about because in the course of a few months and only two "actual dates" (since visiting from out of town is sort of more than just a date) this boy has moved my friend from the "Nice girl to spend time with and possible girlfriend" category to the "I need to tell girl all my problems and life story Wife" category.
Don't get me wrong this boy is very nice and could have had more potential with my friend, but by freaking her out with too-much, too-soon he basically shot himself in the foot.
Now take my situation, an old "boyfriend" (and I'm using quotes here since we dated for six months but I never found out whether or not we were exclusive) of mine emails me out of the blue after I hadn't heard from him in over two years. He acts as though he is actually checking up on me and wrote his email as though he were trying to reconcile things between us, maybe not for future dates but possibly because he actually cared about me. I was touched by his apparent sincere in his email and wrote him back. We exchanged emails back and forth for a week or so, then he writes to me that he had a call from a high up guy at my work and how it was weird that we were emailing each other. I thought maybe it was just a coincidence, but then I thought maybe it isn't. Maybe he had applied for a job at my work and thought if I found out I would bad mouth him or something. I was a little disappointed, since I felt like if he knew me at all he would have known that I am not the type of person to sabotage another person's career over personal problems, especially over silly dating things.
So I decided to email this guy back, but to not address the work thing and just talk about the other things he had mentioned in his email. That was about two or three weeks ago and I haven't heard from him since.
I only mention this because it sort of annoys me that guys don't feel like they can be honest with us girls. I know there are a lot of crazy needy weird girls out there, so I sort of get trying to protect yourself. But seriously, if you are trying to get an ex or whatever to help you out with a job or something, just say that! Don't act as if you actually felt sorry about how things ended and say silly things about carrying things I have given you around everyday. That is just mean.
And for the boy I made out with the other week, why can't a girl just make out with a cute boy and possibly have the potential for a repeat in the future without the boy thinking you want more?
Monday, July 30, 2007
Figuring Things Out
More later on that, right now though I'm going to watch My Boys. Don't think I'm too much of a dork.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
So now that I have regularly accessible personal Internet access, I might actually update my blog. Don't get too overly excited!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Just in case....
Monday, July 9, 2007
The Tale of the Dangerous Chopsticks
I found this tidbit of news to be especially amusing because not only do these people not learn their lessons, but it proves a theory I have about men.
A Hong Kong woman who blinded her boyfriend in one eye in a fight six years ago has been jailed for jabbing a chopstick into his other eye, a newspaper reported on Wednesday. Last November, Po Shiu-fong, 58, accused long-time boyfriend Kwok Wai-ming, 49, of having an affair, the South China Morning Post reported. During the row, Po stabbed a plastic chopstick into his left eye, which she had already blinded six years ago when she poked it with her finger. "Po became hysterical when she saw the wound and mopped it with a towel. The pair then went to bed," the paper said. "The next morning they had another argument in which she grabbed a chopstick and stabbed Kwok's right eye," it said. Two days later, he sought medical treatment and filed a police report against Po, whom he had dated since 1993. The paper said he didn't report the attack six years ago, telling the court his silence was "a love sacrifice".
Ok, craziness. Not only has poor Kwok lost 10 to 20 percent of vision in his right eye, but now Po is serving six months in jail. Deservedly so, since she is nuts. But my question is that after the first eye poking incident six years ago, shouldn't Kwok have been thinking "I'm a grown man, why am I letting this woman jab her finger into my eyeball?" I guess he gave her a second chance which was nice of him.
But then the chopstick??!?!! Um, Hello Kwok! Run away from that crazy whore, do yourself a favor and hide your eyeballs. For some strange reason Po has something against you and your eyes. And for Heaven's sake don't go to bed with her! You can't guard your eyeballs from her in your sleep.
Here is my theory with men and dating. I don't mean to generalize, but doesn't it seem like guys date crazy girls who treat them like crap? And even when bodily harm is involved they seem to just forgive and forget that there are non-crazy girls out there?
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Feeling Stressed?
Since there aren't any hotels asking me to come over and break stuff, I'm going to relieve my stress the old fashion way.... by going on a mini vacation. I'm heading up to Buffalo tonight to visit all the clan.
Have a Great 4th of July!!!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Communist Chic
Opened in May by entrepreneurs Daniel Helbig, 35, and Guido Sand, 33, Ostel -- a German mashup of "East" and "Hostel" -- lucratively exploits the trend of "Ostalgie," or nostalgia for the lost days of socialism since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. International interest in daily life in East Germany has surged in recent years with the success of German films abroad about life in the Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR) like the comedy "Goodbye Lenin" and the Oscar-winning Stasi snitch drama "The Lives of Others."
If I ever get to Berlin, I think I know where I'm staying! How funny is this place? I want to start my own hotel now with it's own quirky, kitschy theme. Maybe I could start a Nazi hostel, that would go over really well, right? Yeah, I don't think Nazis will ever be kitschy... ok so maybe I won't start up a Nazi hotel, haha that just sounds funny, but maybe I can go for some other type of weird nitch and make a cool hostel/hotel. I'm sure I'll think of something.
In the meantime, I got a laugh from these ex-circus performers turned hotel owners and their interior design and wallpaper choices. Never having been to communist Eastern Germany, I have no idea what people's houses looked like back then but these rooms look semi-cheery with lots of colors. The rooms also remind me a bit of my neighbors house when I was growing up with all the old furniture, but without the crazy wallpaper.
Monday, June 25, 2007
That happened to me this weekend and I had no words, nothing came out of my mouth and I just stood there while the person "insulted" me (it was only an "insult" because they tried to make it sound like a joke, but it wasn't funny). Then I walked away. Of course two hours later I thought of things to say, but it was too late, the moment was over and by that point I was supposed to have forgotten about the comment. And yet, two days later I'm posting something about it. I need to just forget it, move on, and realize that small minded people with nothing else to do will stick their noses into your business or comment on your life to make themselves feel better.
But it still hurt a bit.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Dog owners 'fleeced' in poodle scam
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Thousands of people have been 'fleeced' into buying neatly coiffured lambs they thought were poodles. Entire flocks of lambs were shipped over from the UK and Australia to Japan by an internet company and marketed as the latest 'must have' accessory. But the scam was only spotted after a leading Japanese actress said her 'poodle' didn't bark and refused to eat dog food.
The discovery prompted hundreds of women to contact the police with similar problems and the authorities believe as many as 2,000 people have been conned. Poodles are famously used by the rich and glamorous on the continent but are extremely rare in Japan, with many people having little idea what they look like.
I'm not really sure how someone can mistake a lamb for a dog. I'm willing to give these poor, conned, Japanese women the benefit of the doubt and believe that since Poodles are rare in Japan, it might be easy to buy a lamb and think you now were one of the rich elite with your cool Poodle. But I'm pretty certain that there are dogs in Japan. So then I have to wonder why no one was the least bit curious as to why their "dog" never barked, or why their "dog" liked to eat grass, or why their "dog" had hooves!
Monday, June 18, 2007
Last year, I was in love with my then boyfriend and had reached a point in a relationship I had never been before. First, I had never dated someone for 9 months (don't laugh) and secondly, I started to think about being married to him and it made me happy. This wasn't a one sided relationship either, he said he loved me as well and his actions only helped to support that. He got to know my family. He even spend 24 hours in a hospital waiting room with my family waiting for my sister to have her baby. I was head over heels. A month after that I got an email from him, breaking up with me. It was like The Post It break up, only better worded and more painful.
I tried contacting him after I received the email, I even responded to his email and tried not to sound too pathetic. But nothing happened, I never heard from him again. It didn't help that he lived in a whole other country, so running into him was never going to happen. I wanted so badly to have an explanation for what had happened, better than what he wrote in his email. I had just talked to him the previous weekend for over two hours and things seemed fine. To have someone stop loving you within a week is a little disheartening. I was severely depressed for a while and then only slightly depressed after that. I used to cry on my way home from hanging out with friends and after happy hours. I felt lonely and empty inside. Spending time with my extended family only made things worse, since I am the only single girl over the age of 25, other than my 60 year old aunt.
Now that a year has gone by, I would like to say that I'm super happy, in love with someone new and my life is fabulous. But I can only say that I'm happy and that my life is pretty good, which I guess is close enough to fabulous for now. As for the guy situation, I have only recently felt like dating might be enjoyable. I haven't had a date since last year, if you don't count the one lunch "date" I had back in November, which I don't.
Being single can suck at times, but I think I would still rather be single and happy than married and miserable. And I guess if things had worked out the way I thought they were going to last year, maybe I wouldn't have been happy.
Or maybe I would have.
Chinese boy kills mother in cybercafe row
A teenage boy in southern China, "heavily addicted" to the Internet, killed his mother and severely injured his father with a kitchen knife after he was refused money to go to a cybercafe, state media said on Thursday.
The boy, identified only by his last name, Wang, is from Guangzhou, capital of the Guangdong province. He stabbed his mother to death at home during a heated argument, the Beijing Youth Daily said.
"After his father got home, Wang hacked at him, causing serious injury. Seeing what he had done, Wang went to his room and sat on his bed," the paper said.
This is nuts! I don't even know what else to say about this one.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy 35th Anniversary!!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Rodent on the Rampage: Squirrel Assaults Three Before Being Killed By Pensioner
BERLIN (Reuters) - An aggressive squirrel attacked and injured three people in a German town before a 72-year-old pensioner dispatched the rampaging animal with his crutch.
The squirrel first ran into a house in the southern town of Passau, leapt from behind on a 70-year-old woman, and sank its teeth into her hand, a local police spokesman said on Thursday.
With the squirrel still hanging from her hand, the woman ran onto the street in panic, where she managed to shake it off.
The animal then entered a building site and jumped on a construction worker, injuring him on the hand and arm, before he managed to fight it off with a measuring pole.
"After that, the squirrel went into the 72-year-old man's garden and massively attacked him on the arms, hand and thigh," the spokesman said. "Then he killed it with his crutch."
The spokesman said experts thought the attack may have been linked to the mating season or because the squirrel was ill.
When I read this article this morning I laughed so hard I was crying. I feel bad for the squirrel, obviously, that is a tough way to go. Being beat to death by an old man with a crutch can't be nice. But when you picture an old lady running out of her house, screaming in German, arms flailing about with a squirrel attached to one hand.... I can't help but laugh, really hard. Plus if you go to that attachment you will find that this is not the first incident of squirrel invasions in Germany.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Thai drug dogs sacked for 'sexual harassment'
Two Thai street mutts, Mok and Lai, who became ace sniffer dogs at an airport near the notorious Golden Triangle opium-producing region have been fired for urinating on luggage and sexually harassing female passengers.
"He liked to pee on luggage while searching for drugs inside," Mok's former handler, Police Lieutenant Colonel Jakapop Kamhon, said. "He also liked to hold on to women's legs."
"Both were just as good as foreign dogs trained for use in drug missions," he added. "But they were stray dogs, so their manners were worse than those of foreign breeds."
Mok and Lai now work on a farm, herding chickens and pigs, the paper said.
My favorite part is what the handler says, like peeing on luggage was the natural thing to do while sniffing for drugs. Plus the thing about "holding" the woman's leg, hilarious! I don't know why those ladies were so upset, the dogs were only holding onto them. Gosh!
Those poor mutts were fired for being dogs.
What is going on?
So for my first installment:
WASHINGTON -- A judge who is seeking $54 million from a dry cleaner that lost his pants said he is acting in the interests of all D.C. residents.
Seriously?!?!?! What is this world coming to that some out of work pain in the butt judge can sue a Korean dry cleaners for some ridiculous amount of money? I don't like the dry cleaners any more then the next person, but you don't have to sue them for millions. Plus, these poor people obviously don't have that kind of money, they run a freaking dry cleaning business. If they had 54 million dollars they wouldn't be washing your clothes! I heard on the radio today that the family that owns the dry cleaners might have to go back to Korea because of all the money they have had to pay to lawyers to defend themselves.
This jerk with the pants needs to suck it up and buy a new pair of pants. He actually cried in court, like a little sissy! Over Pants!!! If there was an award for crybaby over actors who try to rip people off, he would win. He actually tried to justify his claim by saying that since he didn't own a car he had to rent a car everyday for 14 months ($15,000) so that he could find another dry cleaner. Really? Do you expect anyone to believe that? You could buy a whole new car for that money and who on earth is so stupid that they would rent a car everyday to find a dry cleaners? It's called Dryel, look into it. Really, if that judge is such an anal freak about his stupid suits he should clean them himself.
Not only does this judge not deserve one cent of the money he is asking for, but I think the court should take the rest of his suits and burn them. Just to show him what it feels like to really lose his stupid pants. And then maybe slap him around a bit if he starts to cry.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
No Sleep
The good part is that the phone isn't ringing too much and I've been able to catch up on my movie watching. So really it isn't that bad and I shouldn't complain.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Summer Thunder Storms

You try and tell me that isn't something you want to see! Any ways, the evening was full of laughs more than anything else. I think Anne even mentioned that she might be beginning to have less respect for herself, since we were watching boys dance around in pirate outfits.
But it was super funny! And I would gladly see them again.
Friday, June 1, 2007
la Dolce Vita
My co-worker has a newly formed theory, which she claims might explain my obsession for Rome. She found it in the Washington Post. I'm not too sure about the theory, but I do feel really good when ever I get into Rome and I have returned to Rome a few times....hmmm maybe there is something to that theory.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Happy Birthday little sis!!!!
I can't believe you are so grown up now. I'm so proud of you and love you a bunch! Hope your day is great!
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Dirty Mouth?
Friday, May 4, 2007

Chatting with some cute Australian boys in London at a posh Hyatt piano bar on St. Patrick's Day, as you do. We were wondering why we had ended up there. But all being good sports, we decided to have at least one drink before we moved on to a possibly cheaper place. Then the subject of old songs from the 80's came up. I can't exactly remember why, but it did. One of the Australian boys brought up the theme song to the Greatest American Hero and decided to ask the piano player to play it. The piano player didn't know it, so they compromised on Tiny Dancer which was equally as funny.
Later during the same trip, I was walking through the airport, on my way to pick up my luggage and believe it or not that song was playing over the intercom. It made me smile and wish my trip was starting instead of ending.
Grocery shopping a month ago, I heard that song again. It isn't that rare of a song but I hadn't heard it since I was around ten years old, so three times in a month seemed pretty weird. Then on the way into work this week, my favorite morning talk show had Believe It or Not playing in the background. So I'm thinking it is the theme song for this spring in the soundtrack of my life.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Irish Times
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
Growing Up?

Being good friends, we all decided screw that, we want some laughs. So we proceeded to talk her boyfriend (the Planner) into the Perry's Drag Queen Brunch in Adam's Morgan.
Here is Anne cheesing it up with her singles we provided her. Otherwise she would not have been able to tip the "ladies" and get many pictures.

I don't think Anne will forget it either!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Happy Birthday Anne!!!
Friday, April 20, 2007
Dear Hokies
But then I was watching the news last night. They were showing pictures of the victims, their friends and family were saying a few words about the loved ones lost. I started to get a little teary eyed and thought about when I was in school and how horrible it would have been if that would have happened to me or my friends. Then I realized that I wouldn't be a fraud for saying something, because that could have been anyone and it shouldn't have happened in the first place.
So I guess all I'm saying is that, I'm wearing my orange and maroon today and that my thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Blades of Glory
Monday, April 16, 2007
Happy Birthday Holly!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
What is with dudes who snarf their snot up in public? And if there are any women who do this as well, what is with you? I don’t understand why people need to do this, what is the purpose? If you need a tissue, get a tissue and blow your nose! I have experienced a running nose all winter and I haven’t sucked my snot up with a loud noise once. So please, for the love of all that is holy, please stop snarffing your snot up through your nose to the back of your throat and then swallowing it! That is the only thing I can think of that happens to that snot, which is almost more disgusting than the noise.
I was subjected to a chorus of snotty-nosed snarffing guys on the metro this morning and the agony, I can assure you, was acute. All I could think about was my sweet broken iPod and how much I missed it. I am starting to go through withdrawal. Mark my words, once I have enough money I am totally buying a new one so that I can drown out any disgusting noises from the metro. Sorry I keep complaining, maybe when things get less busy at work I will have fun things to write about and not my boring metro rides.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
On the Metro
So the other day I should not have been shocked when I came upon one of the most horrible things my eyes have ever seen. I was walking down the stairs to the Green Line or the Soul Train, as I call it. Waiting on the platform was a little stocky, seemingly professional man with glasses. As I descended the stairs I noticed his tan sweater and then I noticed the horrific part, the electric blue spandex shorts! Seriously? Not only was it bad enough that he was wearing spandex, but his sweater only went to his waist. So he looked like he forgot his pants. And then, as I was standing on the platform praying for my train to get there to end the misery, I happened to notice one more thing.... I couldn't help but notice...really...there were other girls laughing. The shorts had become so accustomed to the wearer, that they migrated into the crevasses of this man to reveal his crack. So I was standing on the metro platform and wondering what would possess a person to leave the privacy of a building, such as a gym or a house, and wander about in public in spandex?
Monday, April 9, 2007
So, now I am back to my normal life and work. Which, by the way, is super busy or at least it is for me. On my way home today on the metro I started to think about how I wished my life could always be vacation. I guess it wouldn't be vacation than it would just be my life but that was what I thought. I was also thinking that, for me at least, I am a different person when I am on holiday . Not that I am not myself, but more myself. In my everyday life I wake up early, go to work, come home to eat dinner alone and then go to bed. When I wake up for work the next day I have the feeling that I never left work, since I was just there. Of course I do see my friends and have fun on the weekend, I'm not a completely sad shell of a person. But you see what I mean? Everyday life is pretty mundane.
But on holiday, I don't mind getting up because I have a whole day of fun and exploring to do. Normal things like drinking coffee or buying fruit seem so much more exotic, well at least on most holidays. Staying up late doesn't seem to phase me because it isn't a school night and sleeping in is always an option.
And it isn't just your normal day to day life that changes, your personality changes a bit too! In a good way of course (at least for most people). I'm pretty content with my life. I think once I got over all the depression from the last year, not from turning thirty, I realized that even if my life isn't what I had imagined when I was little. It is still pretty great! But on a day to day basis, I feel that I can be slightly average and not too exciting. I know it is a shock. On holiday, I find that my inhibitions tend to be a bit more lose. Nothing too crazy, you perverts! For example, my girls friends said before I left on vacation to be sure to kiss a few boys while I was in Europe. I think Hills actually said to bring one home in a suitcase. I don't know if they were joking or not, but when I found a super cute foreign boy their words echoed in my brain and I had to kiss him! In my everyday life I would have wanted to, but I might have stopped myself (maybe).
I'm not saying that I regret any of the kisses in Europe, not even the 20 year old. Anne, I'll tell you about that later. What I am saying is that now that I'm home and dealing with reality and my everyday life, I wish I were on vacation kissing that cute Aussie. And sadly I am no longer on holiday.